Do cordyceps provide energy?

In last week's blog, we introduced how cordyceps assist in energy production at a cellular level. We went over the chemical similarity of cordycepin to adenosine. Additionally, we discussed how adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the body's "energy currency" and how cordycepin has the ability to indirectly upregulate production of ATP. The enzyme we focused on was adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase or "AMPK". AMPK has the ability to increase ATP production and inhibit certain processes involved with ATP consumption. These ATP producing/conserving processes gives the body access to additional cellular energy. The upregulation of AMPK and the introduction of cordycepin or cordyceps militaris may also upregulate the Glucose Transporter Type 4 (GLUT4) protein.

The GLUT4 protein plays an important role in managing energy within muscle cells, especially during exercise. GLUT4 helps increase the uptake of glucose—a type of sugar—into muscles in response to physical activity. Once inside muscle cells, this glucose is used for energy through a process known as glycolysis. During glycolysis, glucose is broken down to produce ATP molecules, which serve as the primary energy currency for cellular activities.

In Cordyceps Chronicles Episode 6, we detail how certain dosages of cordyceps militaris extract may significantly upregulate the body's production of the GLUT4 protein.

GLUT4 Graph
Chart from Cordyceps Chronicles Episode 6 looking at the effect of three different dosages of cordyceps militaris extract on the GLUT4 protein in a mouse model - G1 = control group, G2 = red ginseng sample which was known to have effects on GLUT4 and AMPK levels, and G3-G5 = three different dosages of cordyceps militaris ethanolic extract (G3 - 50mg/kg, G4 - 150mg/kg, G5 - 300mg/kg). Group G3 and G4 appears to have a significant upregulation of GLUT4 compared to the control group. No such effect appears to be taking place in group G5.


We're beginning to uncover how Cordyceps militaris and its active component, cordycepin, might influence energy production at a cellular level. ATP, the cellular energy currency, is crucial for our body's functions. Cordycepin seems to play a role in upregulating AMPK. This upregulation boosts our ability to produce and conserve ATP. Cordyceps and AMPK together promote the production of the GLUT4 protein which enhances the body's efficiency in converting glucose into ATP, which is vital during physical activity.

These insights into the energy-enhancing properties of Cordyceps are fascinating! What about its effects beyond cellular energy? How does Cordyceps impact red blood cells, oxygen levels, and biomarkers within these cells? What may this mean for physical performance?

We recently released Cordyceps Chronicles episode 14. Episode 14 covered research from a paper titled "Improved Oxygen Saturation and Performance of Athletes using Cordyceps militaris". This research covers an intriguing relationship between Cordyceps supplementation and its potential to improve athletic performance through improved oxygen utilization.

Cordyceps Potential to Improve Oxygen Utilization

Here are some of the energy-related metrics looked at in this research paper:

  • Red blood cell count
    • More red blood cells potentially mean more oxygen can be transported to muscles and organs
  • Red blood cell size
    • Larger red blood cells may mean more oxygen being transferred within the red blood cell as long as red blood cells don't become overly large (this is a condition known as macrocytosis
  • Hemoglobin content
    • Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that bind to oxygen. Higher hemoglobin levels typically denote more oxygen being transported.
  • Hematocrit
    • Hematocrit is the percentage of blood volume that is made up of red blood cells. A higher hematocrit level typically means a higher concentration of red blood cells potentially leading to more oxygen being delivered for energy production.
  • Lactate
    • Lactate is often associated with muscle fatigue and is a byproduct of carbohydrates being broken down for energy without oxygen. When energy demand exceeds oxygen supply, lactate builds up.
  • Minimum oxygen saturation (SpO2)
    • The percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen. Higher minimum oxygen saturation suggests more oxygen is available for muscles and organs to produce energy

The study found significant improvements in red blood cell size, hemoglobin content, hematocrit, and minimum oxygen saturation in the group taking Cordyceps militaris, compared to controls. Additionally, lactate levels were notably lower in the cordyceps group, suggesting enhanced efficiency in energy production and utilization.

Table from Improved Oxygen Saturation and Performance of Athletes using Cordyceps militaris

 Table 1: Effect of Cordyceps militaris supplementation on hematological and performance of athletes along with standard deviation from the paper, Improved Oxygen Saturation and Performance of Athletes using Cordyceps militaris 

What does this mean? This data suggests that Cordyceps militaris may increase the amount of oxygen available for energy production. The potential mechanisms through which cordyceps increase oxygen is through red blood cell size, hemoglobin content, the percentage of blood containing red blood cells, and the percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen. The significant decrease in lactate levels in the Cordyceps militaris group further supports improved oxygen utilization, indicating a shift towards more efficient aerobic energy production even when physical demand is high.

Moreover, the improvements observed in performance metrics, such as the treadmill test, the five-kilometer run, and the 200-meter run, underscore the potential of Cordyceps militaris to boost physical performance. These enhancements likely stem from the mushroom's ability to improve ATP production, glucose uptake, and oxygen delivery -- crucial components for sustaining energy during intense physical activity.

Do cordyceps provide energy?

Cordyceps militaris does not provide energy in the form of calories. The evidence suggests that cordyceps play a significant role in optimizing the body's energy production and utilization pathways at a cellular level. By enhancing the efficiency of ATP production and improving oxygen utilization, Cordyceps militaris may offer a valuable natural boost to athletes and individuals seeking to enhance their physical performance and energy levels.

We've also had several personal anecdotes from people who have tried our cordyceps saying they've felt energy boosts and that their heart rate and blood pressure started to lower after consistent use. The best way to figure out if cordyceps provide energy is to try them for yourself! Then you can be the final authority to determine if cordyceps really do or do not provide an energy boost for your body.


In the writing of this article, I had a discussion with ChatGPT about certain processes taking place at a cellular level, to define certain terms for me, to summarize some studies I reference, and to proofread my work (chat is in the references section). I also referred back to previous Bffd Blogs and to previous Cordyceps Chronicles episodes. I also used the study titled, "Improved Oxygen Saturation and Performance of Athletes using Cordyceps militaris" which is the subject of the recently released Cordyceps Chronicles Episode 14. Finally, I used some anecdotal stories from people who have given us feedback on what they felt from cordyceps.  

I apologize for any mistakes or missed citations in this article. All mistakes made are mine and mine alone.

Be your best,




Conversation with ChatGPT to assist with this article located here.

Improved Oxygen Saturation and Performance of Athletes using Cordyceps militaris
Link to paper

Cordyceps Chronicles Episode 6
Link to paper this episode is about

Cordyceps Chronicles Episode 14  
Link to paper this episode is about

How long does it take for cordyceps to kick in? - Bffd Blog

For those interested in exploring the scientific basis of cordyceps benefits further, reputable sources such as PubMed and Google Scholar offer a wealth of research articles and studies on the topic.

Also, stay up to date with Bffd Cordyceps Research on our YouTube ChannelInstagramFacebook page, and website


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