Is Cordyceps good for the lungs?

Primary function of the lungs

The primary function of the lungs is to facilitate gas exchange, specifically the intake of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide.

Oxygenation of Blood: The lungs take in oxygen from the air we breathe and transfer it to the bloodstream. Oxygen moves into tiny air sacs called alveoli in the lungs, where it passes into the blood vessels (pulmonary capillaries). Then, hemoglobin in red blood cells picks up oxygen and carries it throughout the body to supply tissues and organs, acting like an "oxygen transport vehicle."

​Removal of Carbon Dioxide: Carbon dioxide, a biproduct from the body's metabolism, is transported back to the lungs via the bloodstream. In the lungs, carbon dioxide moves from the blood back into the alveoli and is then exhaled from the body​.

Respiratory Cellular Mechanisms

What is ion transport?

Tiny charged particles called ions play a crucial role in bodily functions at a cellular level. These ions move in and out of cells to aid in various bodily processes. In the context of respiratory health, ion transport assists in keeping our lungs clean and moist. Through the ion transport process, chloride ions bring water to the lung's surface. This water keeps lung mucus thin which assists in trapping and clearing out dust and germs.

Airway Epithelia

The cells lining the inside of our lungs are called airway epithelia. These cells help to move ions and produce mucus to trap and remove dust and germs.

Ion Flow Channels

  • CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) Channel
    • Moves chloride ions in and out of cells
  • CaCCs (Calcium-Activated Chloride Channels)
    • Move chloride ions across the cell membrane when calcium is present

These channels assist with keeping the airway surface wet. More chloride ions means more water. This wetness assists mucus in trapping and removing harmful particles. 

Cordyceps Cellular Impact on Lung Health

  • Boosting ion flow channels
    • Cordyceps militaris extract and cordycepin boost the CFTR and CaCC ion flow channels
    • Leads to more chloride ions being secreted, resulting in clearer and more hydrated airways
    • This benefits lung and respiratory health by improving lung surface hydration levels through boosting chloride ion flow
    • Better mucus clearance
      • Enhanced ion transport leads to better hydration of the airway surface
      • Facilitates the movement and clearance of mucus
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
    • Respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) involve long-term inflammation, leading to breathing issues and coughing
    • The anti-inflammatory effects of Cordyceps help manage inflammatory-related lung issues such as asthma and COPD

    At a cellular level, Cordyceps appear to benefit lung and respiratory health by improving lung surface hydration levels by boosting the flow of chloride ions. In addition, the anti-inflammatory effects of Cordyceps assist with inflammatory related lung issues such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    Cordyceps Impact on Human Lung Health

    In this section, we will explore two human clinical trials that observed the effects of Cordyceps on various respiratory health metrics. The first study focuses on the impact of Cordyceps supplementation on elderly individuals, while the second study examines its effects on elite athletes.

    Study 1 - Clinical Study on Cordyceps sinensis Supplements and Respiratory Health in Elderly Volunteers

    A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted to examine the effects of Cordyceps sinensis on respiratory health in elderly Chinese volunteers. This study aimed to assess whether Cordyceps sinensis could enhance aerobic capacity, oxygen utilization, and respiratory function in healthy elderly individuals.

    This study examined the effect of Cordyceps sinensis supplementation on four key metrics in elderly volunteers (58 years old+) over a six-week span:

    • VO2max (Maximum Oxygen Uptake)
      • The highest rate at which a person can use oxygen during intense exercise
      • mL of oxygen per minute per kg of body weight
    • VO20 (Anaerobic Threshold)
      • The exercise level at which lactic acid starts building up in the blood
      • Indicates when body shifts from using oxygen to NOT using oxygen for energy
      • Measured by observing changes in breathing during exercise
    • METs (Metabolic Equivalents)
      • Measures the energy cost of activities
      • One MET = energy used while sitting quietly
      • Example
        • 5 MET activity = activity using 5 times the energy of sitting quietly
    • VEmax (Maximum Ventilation)
      • The maximum amount of air a person can breathe in and out in one minute during intense exercise
      • Shows how well the lungs and respiratory muscles work
      • Higher VEmax means better ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during exercise


    VO2max - Maximum Oxygen Uptake

    Significant increase in the Cs-4 group (1.88 ± 0.13 to 2.00 ± 0.14 L/min, P=0.050) compared to no change in the placebo group.

    VO2 Max Table
    Table 2 from study - Changes in VO2 max in two groups
    This result indicates that the maximum rate at which the participants can utilize oxygen during intense exercise improved significantly with Cs-4 treatment. Higher VO2max suggests better cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

    VO20 - Anaerobic Threshold

    Significant increase in the Cs-4 group (1.15 ± 0.07 to 1.30 ± 0.09 L/min, P=0.012) compared to no change in the placebo group.

    Table 5
    Table 5 from study - Change in VO20 in The Two Groups
    The increase in VO20, or the anaerobic threshold, means that participants treated with Cs-4 can perform at higher intensities before reaching the point where lactate starts accumulating in the blood, indicating improved exercise capacity and endurance.
    METs - Metabolic Equivalents
    Significant increase in the Cs-4 group (7.68 ± 0.42 to 8.26 ± 0.44 METs, P=0.017) compared to no change in the placebo group.
    Table 3
    Table 3 from study - Change in METs in Two Groups
    The increase in METs (Metabolic Equivalents) indicates that the participants were able to perform higher-intensity activities after taking Cs-4. A higher MET value means that the body's capacity to handle and perform strenuous physical activities improved, demonstrating increased fitness and efficiency in energy usage

    VEmax - Maximum Ventilation

    Significant increase in the Cs-4 group (56.7 ± 4.8 to 60.4 ± 4.5 L/min, P=0.049) compared to no change in the placebo group

    Table 4
    Table 4 from study - Change in VEmax of Two Groups

    The increase in VEmax, or maximum ventilation, indicates that the participants' lungs could move a greater volume of air during intense exercise after Cs-4 treatment. This reflects better respiratory efficiency and capacity.

    Study 2 - Clinical Study on Cordyceps militaris Supplementation Effects on Oxygen Utilizatation and Performance in Elite Running Athletes

    This clinical trial investigated the effects of Cordyceps militaris on elite running athletes using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design. It measured physiological and performance outcomes before and after supplementation.

    We did an in depth analysis on this study in Cordyceps Chronicles Episode 14.

    Cordyceps Chronicles Ep 14 Thumbnail

    Key Takeaways:

    Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate:

    • Athletes in the Cordyceps militaris group maintained high oxygen saturation (95%) and a stable heart rate (90±5) during exercise.

    Improved Running Performance:

    • Enhanced endurance and faster running times in both short (200 m) and long distances (5 km).

    Blood Marker Observations:

    • Increased RBC size, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels.
    • Reduced lactate levels.
    • Slightly increased clotting and blotting times (still within normal ranges).

    Conclusion: Cordyceps militaris supplementation improved oxygen saturation, reduced fatigue, and enhanced running performance in athletes. These benefits are due to increased RBC size and improved oxygen-carrying capacity, leading to better endurance and quicker lactate clearance.

    Implication: These findings suggest that Cordyceps militaris enhances lung health and improves the body's ability to transport oxygen effectively, benefiting athletic performance and overall endurance.


    The primary function of the lungs is to facilitate gas exchange, vital for our survival. Cordyceps supplements have shown promising results in enhancing respiratory health. These studies highlight their potential to improve oxygen utilization, increase endurance, and reduce fatigue. By boosting ion transport and reducing inflammation, Cordyceps contributes significantly to lung health and overall physical performance. Whether you're an athlete seeking to enhance your performance or looking to maintain respiratory health as you age, Cordyceps could be a valuable addition to your wellness regimen.

    Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis, while both belonging to the same genus, offer similar benefits due to their high cordycepin content and ease of cultivation, making them both effective in improving respiratory and cardiovascular functions.

    Using the evidence we examined today, it would appear that Cordyceps is good for the lungs.

    Thank you for reading. Any mistakes made or missed citations in this articles are the fault of mine and mine alone.

    Be your best,



    Fung, C. K., & Ko, W. H. (2012). Cordyceps extracts and the major ingredient, cordycepin: possible cellular mechanisms of their therapeutic effects on respiratory disease. In Respiratory Diseases. IntechOpen.

    Pasha, S. M., Rajan, A. N., Rathod, L., Musfera, S., & Pasha, C. (2024). Improved oxygen saturation and performance of athletes using Cordyceps militaris. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 1(1), 1-12.

    Xiao, Y., Huang, X.-Z., & Zhu, J.-S. (2004). Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial and assessment of fermentation product of Cordyceps sinensis (Cs-4) in enhancing aerobic capacity and respiratory function of healthy elderly volunteers. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 10(3), 187-192.

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